Sep 152022

The “Secret Sauce” for Manifesting.

The “Secret Sauce” for Manifesting.

In life, you are only going to get what YOU think you deserve.

There. I said it!
Nothing more. Nothing less. Exactly what you think you are worthy of.

That’s the crux of the self-concept and the “secret sauce” for effective conscious manifesting.
Your life is a mirror of your innermost feelings and beliefs. So, if you don’t like how your life is unfolding at the moment, then it’s time to stop doing what you’re doing and truly examine your beliefs.

“Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint.
You are infinitely greater than you think you are.”
~ Neville Goddard

Once you acknowledge the underlying limiting beliefs that keep you from becoming the best version of yourself or going after your wildest dreams – you get the power to change them!

Self Concept and Manifesting

One of the unspoken rules of our existence is that we always manifest according to our self-concept. If your manifestations are not coming true or they are taking way too long, it’s a good time to explore your beliefs.

Woman journaling

Sometimes, these beliefs are so deeply fixed in your subconscious that you won’t be able to notice them without some conscious effort. A simple mindfulness practice, journaling, or even a few minutes of daily meditation can help you to sift and sort through your subconscious and locate those disempowering beliefs. But quite frankly, the easiest way to find out exactly what they are is to… look at your life. What are you struggling with the most? Are there certain patterns that seem to keep recurring in your life year after year regardless of people and circumstances?

A good example of that is when you find yourself being attracted to the same type of person who ends up hurting you in some way or making you feel miserable. If you find yourself wondering why something less-than-wonderful keeps happening to you over and over again, ask yourself this important question:

What would I have to BELIEVE ABOUT MYSELF in order for this situation to happen in my life?

Whatever answers you come up with–that’s your deeply ingrained belief(s)! (You’re welcome ;))

“Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. The reflection then will be satisfactory.”
~ Neville Goddard

How To Change Your Self-Concept

Now on to the good news! Your self-concept is definitely CHANGEABLE!! You don’t have to suffer anymore because if you are reading this, you are ready to move on from what is no longer serving you; including your old self-concept, and to manifest anything and everything your heart desires! How does that sound? Yeah, I thought you might like that! 😉
So, there are a few different ways to change your self-concept. Let’s go through all of them one by one & let’s keep the best one for the last.

  • Using Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are essentially concise, carefully-worded positive statements that are designed to install new beliefs into your subconscious mind, rewiring your brain to start thinking in a more positive way. (If you’d like to learn all about affirmations, check this video out).

While I am a BIG believer in using positive affirmations to change your mental diet and life is a whole, they do tend to take their own sweet time to show results, so keep in mind that this is usually not a quick fix, unfortunately (but still very effective, nonetheless!).

  • Hypnosis

Another way to change your self-concept is by slipping into a state of hypnosis and then consciously exposing your mind to powerful thought patterns. Hypnosis works faster than using affirmations and can be super effective! But it is best done under the supervision of a professional, and that might not be a viable option for many, considering the time and money it requires. There are, however, thousands of hypnosis videos/audios on YouTube that could work for you, so it’s definitely worth looking into.

  • Self-Concept Affirmations Used During Sleep

Here is the last (but hands down the most effective) technique to alter your self-concept.

Woman in headphones listening to audio

When you are just about to sleep at night, your brainwaves automatically change from beta to alpha or theta, and that’s when your subconscious mind becomes super receptive to programming (this is technically called the “hypnagogic state”).

Once you feel you are about to enter this state, put on your headphones and start listening to some powerful self-concept affirmations. You don’t need to listen or consciously understand the affirmations in this state. Your mind will be so receptive at this point that it will automatically absorb all the information.

This is such a powerful method for changing self-concept, and you are going to be so pleased with the results in just a few weeks. Do this for a minimum of 21 days to see some remarkable shifts in your life, but the longer you do it, the better!

I have created two self-concept audios just for this reason, so if this idea resonates with you, definitely check them out! This one is a more general one to help you become a pro at manifesting anything you want in life, and this one is specifically for manifesting love into your life! I hope you enjoy these and that they help you create the most amazing new reality for yourself!

Keep calm and manifest! 🙂

If you’re interested in the Law of Assumption, manifesting, and affirmations, please check out my shop, especially these listings:

~ Law of Assumption Workbook & Journal
~ Neville Goddard Printable Quote Cards + Law of Assumption Workbook Bundle
~ NG Manifestation Bundle
~ Neville Goddard Short & Long Quote Cards
~ Law of Assumption Manifestation Tracker
~ Printable Law of Assumption/Neville Goddard Cards
~ Editable Law of Assumption/Neville Goddard Cards
~ Neville Goddard Quote Bookmarks
~ Printable Affirmation Worksheets
~ Positive Affirmation Bundle
~ Editable Positive Affirmation Lists
~ Love & Specific Person Affirmation Cards
~ Positive Affirmation Cards (COLOR)
~ Positive Affirmation Cards (B&W)

For unique manifesting, Neville Goddard, and spirituality merch, please also check out Amazon and Redbubble.

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