Dec 192022

How To Manifest for Others with the Law of Assumption?

How To Manifest for Others with the Law of Assumption?

One of the most enticing aspects of the Law of Assumption is that it declares that you are the God of your reality. This implies that anything that comes into your reality; any experience, any circumstance or any person even – cannot escape your power of being the dominant creator. So, you can literally change the circumstances and people according to your desires. Everyone and everything simply has to conform to your wishes.

This may sound a bit vain, but it’s the truth (at least according to Neville Goddard’s teachings). Personally, I believe it’s more complex than that, and if you’re curious about my view on conscious manifesting, check this video out where I go into the topic of manifesting vs. destiny.

Nonetheless, the law of assumption is still a very powerful tool for manifesting that should not go underrated. AND what’s great about it is that being the “god of your reality” also means that you can manifest for other people!

How To Manifest for Someone Else Using the Law of Assumption


The rules of manifesting for yourself and for someone else are quite similar. In other words, the law of assumption techniques that you use to manifest things for yourself can be used to manifest for others. One of the most effective techniques you can use is to create an imaginal scene.

An imaginal scene is a lot like visualizing a future scenario and giving it all the tones of reality. This is a very useful technique introduced by Neville Goddard, who taught that properly creating an imaginal act is the fastest way to reach your manifestation.

Here is a quick step-by-step way of creating an imaginal scene technique to manifest for someone else:

  1. First of all, you must know exactly what you want to manifest for the other person. Be very clear, this is important!
  2. Then in your mind’s eye, you have to visualize a scene where that person is calling/texting you or, in some other way, breaking the good news to you.
  3. Focus on what they tell you about their desire coming into their life and what your reaction is. The more detailed your imaginal scene and the more “real” it feels to you, the more effective it will be.
  4. Revise this imaginal act a few times if necessary until it feels natural to you or like an actual memory that has already taken place.
  5. Lastly, do your best to let it go, knowing that the universe will take care of the rest. It’s only a matter of time until it actually happens, period.

An Important Rule To Follow While Manifesting for Someone Else

Golden rule

While the Law of Assumption gives you the liberty to manifest for someone else, this privilege comes with responsibility. The caveat here is that you MUST always use the Law of Assumption to manifest GOOD things for other people.

I trust that you will be using the Law with good intentions and will not try to misuse it or manifest something negative for others. Remember that even if you do succeed at that, it will eventually come back around and hurt YOU in the end. So, please be mindful and use the Golden Rule (a.k.a. treating others as you would like to be treated yourself) when manifesting (Neville always emphasized it as well). Even though “everyone is you pushed out,” the Golden Rule is always in full effect in everyone’s reality.

After all, every single one of us is connected to each other in some way. We are all a part of the divine consciousness. Therefore, what you do to others is inevitably what you do to yourself. And especially in this method – you are making use of your imagination, so if you are manifesting something negative for another, you are bound to feel its effects because those thoughts are first taking root in your consciousness.

But enough about the word of caution; now, let’s go over the reasons why you might want to give manifesting for others a try:

  1. The first reason is that you can manifest things more easily for others than for yourself. This is because you don’t have limiting beliefs about their potential as you have about yourself and because most of the time you are a lot less attached to the outcome than if you were manifesting for yourself.
  2. Secondly, such easy manifestations can solidify your belief in the law. The stronger your faith, the easier you will be able to create things for yourself, too, as a result.
  3. Manifesting for someone else also tests and expands the limits of your own imagination. So, try manifesting exciting things for others, and you will be shocked at how powerful your imagination is.
  4. Lastly, when you send that kind of positive energy out into the world, it always comes back to you tenfold! So, once you take the time to manifest something great for others, expect miracles to come your way as a bonus!

Keep calm and manifest! 🙂

If you’re interested in the Law of Assumption, manifesting, and affirmations, please check out my shop, especially these listings:

~ Law of Assumption Workbook & Journal
~ Neville Goddard Printable Quote Cards + Law of Assumption Workbook Bundle
~ NG Manifestation Bundle
~ Neville Goddard Short & Long Quote Cards
~ Law of Assumption Manifestation Tracker
~ Printable Law of Assumption/Neville Goddard Cards
~ Editable Law of Assumption/Neville Goddard Cards
~ Neville Goddard Quote Bookmarks
~ Printable Affirmation Worksheets
~ Positive Affirmation Bundle
~ Editable Positive Affirmation Lists
~ Love & Specific Person Affirmation Cards
~ Positive Affirmation Cards (COLOR)
~ Positive Affirmation Cards (B&W)

For unique manifesting, Neville Goddard, and spirituality merch, please also check out Amazon and Redbubble.

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