Jul 172022

What Did Neville Goddard Mean by “I AM The Cause”?

What Did Neville Goddard Mean by “I AM The Cause”?

“No one wants to feel that he is solely responsible for the conditions of his life, yet there is no other cause. God is the only cause and he is man’s own wonderful human imagination.” ~ Neville Goddard

I AM the cause is another fantastic lecture by Neville Goddard (written version), heavily underscoring our innate power to manifest the reality we want.

Even though this particular lecture by Neville uses many biblical references to draw some points home (and personally, I am not the biggest fan of those), underneath all the spiritual jargon is a beautiful message reminding us of our supreme power.

What Does Neville Mean By “I AM the Cause”?

Neville Goddard teaches us that this whole universe is nothing but our collective consciousness objectified in a material form, and each individual’s life circumstances are nothing but their imagination crystallized.

When Neville says, “I AM the cause,” he tells us that nothing in our world is separate from our awareness. In fact, our very awareness has manifested those objects, people, or circumstances in the first place. So, if you want to change any aspect of your life, you must first change your consciousness and beliefs around the subject.

Putting the Teachings of This Lecture to Use:

Now let me share with you a little example of how you can put the teachings from this lecture to practical use for manifesting.

Let’s say that you are struggling financially and would like to experience a more abundant life. To do so, you can follow these steps:

~ First, ASSUME the FEELING of being abundant. Imagine how an abundant man or woman would think, feel, and act? What would they be doing on a regular basis? Where would most of their attention go? And you don’t have to only focus on imagining the positive aspects of that life because that does not accurately represent a reality of someone who’s wealthy. After all, they do still have their own struggles. So what do you think you’d worry about once you ARE wealthy and money is no longer an issue? What would you most likely be thinking about instead of your current predominant thoughts on the lack of money?

~ Truly embody this imaginary version of yourself (which does exist on parallel timelines).
Make this STATE so much a part of you that you start thinking FROM it rather than of it. This really is the key to manifesting through the law of assumption.

~ Next, and just as importantly, PERSIST in your assumption of being rich and abundant despite your daily struggles with finances. This can be a tough one, especially when you are not seeing any “proof” of your new reality yet, but think of it as a worthy investment that can truly change your life and is worth putting effort into.

~ If you stay faithful to the state of “being rich,” slowly but surely, you will see those thoughts seeping into your external reality, and soon you will start manifesting all the wealth and riches you had imagined.

If you’re new to conscious manifesting, this may sound a little woo-woo, but you don’t have to believe me! All I suggest is you give it a try before making any negative assumptions. Neville always encouraged people to try it out for themselves as well, and I think it is very important to actually PRACTICE manifesting as often as possible before drawing any conclusions. That’s what will help you get in touch with your own infinite power, and realize that in many ways, you ARE the God of your reality.

Do you like what the mirror reflects back to you and your background tells you? If it is not what you would like to live with, don’t accept it. Rather, look into the mirror of your mind and assume that you are what you would like to be. Declaring that you are now it, don’t look away and forget the image reflected there, but persist in your assumption. Live in that awareness morning, noon and night as though it were true, and no power can stop you from experiencing its truth.
~ Neville Goddard, “I Am the Cause”

Neville’s Elder Brother’s Success Story

In the same lecture, Neville tells the story of his elder brother, who once was very poor and struggling in his life.
However, his brother dared to believe in the dream of owning a large commercial building with the name “Goddard and Sons” on its marquee.
When he started dreaming about this, he literally had no means of making it a reality. However, he still (almost delusionally) believed in this vision and persisted for TWO YEARS (I just want to point this out for those of you who’ve been trying to manifest for a while without seeing any tangible results! KEEP GOING!!).
After two years, out of the blue, a stranger bought a building for Goddard’s family and gave them a margin of good ten years to pay back! (How’s that for a miracle?)

Neville admits that this building eventually became a stepping stone to his family’s huge financial growth and abundance (they literally became millionaires as a result of this and their business is still thriving! Check it out if you’re curious: Goddard Enterprises LTD).

Can you imagine? Just persisting in an almost “delusional” vision led his brother to success that many can’t even imagine!
So there it is… Conscious manifestation in action, and all thanks to the power of our wonderful imagination.

You can play any part – be it a rich man or a poor man, a beggar or a thief, the known or unknown – once you know they are only parts, only states of consciousness.
But if you don’t know this, and are not willing to give up your present state, you will remain there, looking at your desire and not from it. You can become what you would like to be in the twinkle of an eye by the simple act of assumption.
And the day you dare to remain faithful to your assumption, it will begin to externalize itself.
~ Neville Goddard, “I Am the Cause”

Final Thoughts

This lecture is like a burst of fresh air for all of us who are struggling with anything, and its message is simple:
Regardless of the current state of your finances, your circumstances, your past, your environment, or people in your life (whom you may be giving too much power)… ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! All that matters is the ability to hold a solid assumption about your future and PERSISTING regardless of all the “evidence of your senses”!

Keep calm & manifest! 🙂

If you’re interested in the Law of Assumption, manifesting, and affirmations, please check out my shop, especially these listings:

~ Law of Assumption Workbook & Journal
~ Neville Goddard Printable Quote Cards + Law of Assumption Workbook Bundle
~ NG Manifestation Bundle
~ Neville Goddard Short & Long Quote Cards
~ Law of Assumption Manifestation Tracker
~ Printable Law of Assumption/Neville Goddard Cards
~ Editable Law of Assumption/Neville Goddard Cards
~ Neville Goddard Quote Bookmarks
~ Printable Affirmation Worksheets
~ Positive Affirmation Bundle
~ Editable Positive Affirmation Lists
~ Love & Specific Person Affirmation Cards
~ Positive Affirmation Cards (COLOR)
~ Positive Affirmation Cards (B&W)

For unique manifesting, Neville Goddard, and spirituality merch, please also check out Amazon and Redbubble.

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