Feb 222019

A Channeled Message “We’re Here for You”.

A Channeled Message “We’re Here for You”.
Whenever you feel like this life is not worth living; whenever you are lost and stuck and in despair; whenever you lose your way… We’re here for you.

Don’t ever doubt that you are being heard; don’t lose your hope and trust; don’t stop believing in the most beautiful truth of existence.

It is you who can change reality; it is you who has more control over your reality than you could ever imagine. It is you who decided to come into this world and was so incredibly excited at the opportunity to be here.

And now it is you, who is weeping at night, asking for signs and to validate your soul’s message.
The truth is that you always had that light in you, and all your dreams are there for a reason.

You do not dream of being someone that does not resonate with your soul’s frequency.
As you keep more of YOUR frequency around you (frequency that is either the same or is similar to yours), you will become more and more energized and feel more clarity and excitement for life.
Like attracts like and it is so much easier to be surrounded with your own (or a similar) frequency in every respect.

A word on how to find that similar frequency:

Here, again, comes Bashar’s message about following your highest excitement. Its importance cannot be overstated. By that we mean enjoying life in the here and now to the best of your ability without any expectation of the outcome. This act involves a great deal of trust in the universe and your own higher mind to take you exactly where you need to be, when you need to be there.

In other words, having what seems to be miraculous synchronicities pave your way into the future.
And the more you allow this light within you to guide your every step, the more of this “miracle” you will experience in this life.

Now, it is also important to remember that we do all sign up for certain experiences that we would like to make a part of our own soul’s development and evolution. However, the degree to which any given experience “hurts” you, depends solely on your psyche’s readiness or ability to view this experience from an evolutionary point of view—as in, your soul’s evolution. (Note that the word hurts in the previous sentence is put in quotation marks because it is not the experience itself–which is neutral–that hurts you, but your own unique prism of the mind through which you meet and process this experience.)

In other words, the more open-minded and open-hearted you stay throughout your life and anything that comes your way, the easier it will be to process and use these experiences towards your spiritual development; the easier it will be for YOU to accept life as it is and as you have asked for it to be.

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