Mar 312024

Wayne Dyer’s Wisdom: Trusting the Process.

Wayne Dyer’s Wisdom: Trusting the Process.

Hey everyone! On this fabulous day, I’d like to take an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite spiritual self-improvement teachers, the man that my whole spiritual journey has actually started with – Dr. Wayne Dyer. 

Dr. Dyer has close to an infinite amount of videos and lectures available online, but today let’s talk about one I recently came across and wanted to share with all my master manifestors out there. It’s called, “Even the Impossible Will Manifest | Make it your Routine.” In this talk, Dyer talks about our ability to change our life by changing your thoughts, which, as you know, is the core manifesting principle. But what I love even more about his lecture is that it doesn’t force people to follow specific steps in order to manifest specific things. In fact, this one is more about “going with the flow” and allowing the Universe to do its thing for you, while you trust that everything will work out in the best way possible. I realize that for most Neville’s fans, this is not an acceptable way of manifesting, but I believe that this is a valid point that will work for many people nonetheless.

  1. Letting Go of Material Clutter

Dyer’s journey into this new phase of life began at 65, an age when it would be pretty darn challenging to step out of your comfort zone, imho! Yet, he was able to detach himself from a lifetime of possessions, including a townhouse full of books, awards, and personal memories. To him, this bold step was not a loss but a liberation – a detachment from the physical to embrace the spiritual and emotional essence of life. This is such a great reminder that the things we own don’t define us. Your true essence (or your soul) is independent of material possessions.

  1. Discovering the Tao Te Ching

After clearing out his life, Dyer found solace and guidance in the Tao Te Ching, an ancient Chinese text written by Lao Tzu that he has studied for many years, and which can be roughly translated as “The Book of the Way and its Power.” Tao talks about getting back to your spiritual roots, which is quite relevant for us trying to navigate the chaos of modern life. Dyer’s key takeaway is that it is essential to live in sync with your inner spirit, not just external achievements or people’s opinions. This is about trusting something deeper and bigger than our daily worries and struggles.

  1. Redefining the Ego: From Fear to Trust

One of the most striking points in Dyer’s lecture is the transformation of the ego. The ego often misleads us into identifying with our achievements, possessions, and societal status. Dyer suggests a radical shift – from fear to trust, control to acceptance. This resonates deeply in our modern society, where many of us (especially, earlier in life) often feel pressured to conform to certain standards and achievements. Dyer encourages a trust in the natural flow of life, where letting go doesn’t mean losing control but gaining freedom.

  1. The Art of True Giving and Living in Contentment

Dyer also passionately talks about “living contentment,”  a state where the perpetual chase for “more” ceases. It’s a powerful message in a world where young adults are bombarded with messages urging them to constantly strive for more and to be a part of the “hustle” culture. True contentment, according to Dyer, comes from within and is not contingent on external factors. 

  1. Trusting the Process

As he does in many of his lectures, Dyer encourages us to trust the process of life. This can be especially challenging when we’re feeling lost or unsure about our future. But there’s something so comforting about believing that things will work out, maybe not how we had planned, but perhaps in a way that’s even better than we imagined! (Sign me up for that, please, Universe! ;))

  1. Age is Just a Number

Another important takeaway from Dyer’s lecture is that it’s never too late – or too early – to embrace these changes. Whether you’re just starting your adult life or you’re looking to make a change later on, these principles are timeless and can be applied at any stage. Of course, the sooner you start using them, the easier and more natural it becomes to “go with the flow.”

  1. Living in the Now

Finally, Dyer’s insights remind us of the importance of living in the present. It’s easy to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past. And yet, embracing the NOW, with all its imperfections and uncertainties, is a truly powerful way to live a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

In conclusion, Dr. Wayne Dyer’s lecture isn’t just about self-improvement; it’s a call to rethink our entire approach to life. It’s a message that resonates deeply, especially for those of us who have been bombarded with messages that in order to create your desired reality, you have to take very specific steps and to keep at it no matter what. Frankly, this can quickly become an overwhelming and an exhausting way of living life, so if you are one of those people who have tried using the Law of Assumption and various manifesting techniques to no avail… maybe it’s time give a chance to a different approach for a change and see where it takes you? 🙂 

Keep calm and manifest! 😉

P.S. If you’re Neville Goddard’s fan and would like some help with conscious manifesting through the Law of Assumption, be sure to check out my shop; especially these listings:
Law of Assumption Workbook & Journal
Neville Goddard printable quote cards + Law of Assumption Workbook Bundle
Neville Goddard printable quote cards with LONGER quotes
Neville Goddard Manifestation Bundle
Law of Assumption Workbook & Journal + Affirmation Worksheets Bundle
Law of Assumption Vision Board Kit
Printable Affirmation Worksheets
Positive Affirmation Bundle

I have a lot of other spirituality and manifesting-related products here, as well as a few items on Amazon and Redbubble with some of Neville Goddard/Manifesting/Spiritual designs.

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