Jun 212024

There Are No Lines In Heaven: Two NDE Accounts By Dr. Scott Robinson

There Are No Lines In Heaven: Two NDE Accounts By Dr. Scott Robinson

Today, I am honored to feature the extraordinary near-death experience (NDE) stories of Dr. Scott Robinson. His journey through the realms of life and death reveals profound insights, spiritual transformations, and a mission to heal and help others. His encounters with divine beings and the lessons learned offer a beautiful testament to the power of faith and love.

Name: Dr. Scott Robinson, DC, DD, PHD, DTC, LRC, QME
Age: 65 earth years, 629 lifetimes on this planet
Location: New Jersey, California & Florida

Dr. Robinson’s Story:
1st NDE, died in a car accident & ended up in the morgue, 2nd time I died on the operating table. Both times I was sent back & told to complete my mission and purpose in life that I would learn a simple technique to heal myself and share that with other people. That technique is called EINSTELLEN, tuning into the Source & asking for Help and Healing.

Why did it happen? Ask GOD. It was preprogrammed into my soul before I left Heaven to come to earth. 1st time I was 17, the 2nd time I was 35 years old. YES I met Jesus, Michael & one other being other than my Grandfather Sam. I learned many things and continue to do so. Everything I was told is in the book. A) if you ask better questions you will get better answers. B) Never hate anyone or anything, that along with do not commit suicide if you have any choice. Both will result in reincarnation to redo the same thing over or reincarnate into the one thing or person you hate.

The most profound thing was, I had a mission & purpose to fulfill, a driving force to help others before I return to Heaven & our Creator.

How did your NDE/OBE change your perspective on life and death (and reincarnation if applicable)?
I now know the truth most humans ignore or have forgotten.

How has your experience affected your spiritual beliefs or practices?
Yes, I am a Messianic Jew who loves everyone and Jesus is my Big Brother.

Have you noticed any changes in your personality or abilities since your NDE/OBE? How has your experience influenced your relationships with others?
I became empathic, can smell the fragrance of angels & know who will win a football game.

What was the most challenging part of integrating your NDE/OBE into your everyday life?
Most people (70%) do not understand, so others are sometimes afraid of my gifts. Also, I share that GOD is the Greatest Physician and there is NO incurable, only people who can not yet believe. This is very hard for people who only believe in western medicine.

Do you feel a sense of purpose or mission as a result of your NDE/OBE? 
My purpose is to master this reality as I endure, persevere, and overcome, so I can help others. I am to finish up things, people, and experiences from 38 previous lives, not because of karma but because of love.

What advice would you give to someone who is skeptical about NDEs/OBEs?
Prove it to yourself. Not just once, but for 120 days, twice a day, learn to do Einstellen, then simply DO IT!!! And if you still can’t believe, then walk away.

Did you gain any specific insights or important messages during your NDE/OBE that have stayed with you and you would like to share with others?
36 items in my book, some of which I previously shared above. I talk to dead people, I hear and smell the angels around me. I have learned to get rid of evil. I help people heal, I teach them Einstellen, Pushing Faint Matter, how to use prayer, verbal frequencies for healing, eliminating emotions that no longer serve them. Nature is GOD, keep your promises. Don’t get attached to people, places, times or spaces for all things will change. This planet is a schooling planet & the University of GOD, where all the evil in the universe resides. Their job is to destroy us, our job is to master this reality. GOD doesn’t punish us, we punish ourselves.

Are there any resources you would recommend to someone who has had an NDE/OBE but is still new to this topic? Any advice for them?
Join IANDS and read, explore, and investigate.

Website/Social Media Links/Contact Info:
My 12 YouTube videos, podcasts & TV show are listed on my personal website, along with my contact information.

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